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Things to consider before buying a microwave

The microwave oven is one of the most versatile appliances for preparing a quick meal. It is important to understand the difference between different types of microwave ovens before you buy one.

There are several types of microwaves available in the markets. Solo/ Conventional Microwave can be used for the basic cooking functions like reheating and defrosting food, while a Grill Microwave provides some additional functions like baking, grilling, and toasting. You could also opt for a Convection Microwave – that allows you to barbeque and crisp your food.

Things to keep in Mind while buying: 

  •  Size of the microwave: Microwaves come in three sizes; compact (0.5-0.8 cubic feet), mid-size (0.9-1.3 cubic feet), family (1.4-1.6 cubic feet), and full size (1.8-2.0). The optimal size of the microwave would depend on the size of your family and your cooking requirements. If you cook casseroles, you will need a larger room for your dishes to fit in properly. Wall ovens of various sizes are available to suit your need.
  • Automatic sensors:  These sensors prevent overheating of food by shutting down when a dish is prepared. The device keeps a track of the amount of humidity in the oven to cook the food.
  • Wattage: Higher the power rating translates to lesser cooking time. Microwaves can have variable wattages ranging from 600 – 1200 watts; however, most recipes require a minimum of 800 watts for food to cook evenly.
  • Additional features: Child safety lock is important for families with small kids. Check the buttons and icons for responsiveness. Built-in coffee maker, toaster a rotisserie, double shelves, a microwave can include a wide variety of features.
  • Check out consumer reviews: Read up on consumer ratings before you invest your money in a particular brand of microwave. They usually give you a fair idea about the performance and after-sales services. Also, check o warranties and company policies for replacement of parts.