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5 glaring symptoms of liver diseases

Every disease shows certain signs and symptoms before it wages a full-fledged war on the body. Liver diseases too belong to this category.

The liver is one of the vital organs of the body that has multiple functions to perform. From producing proteins to aiding the process of digestion, the liver plays a major role in allowing us to lead a normal life. Liver diseases imply that something is interfering with its functioning, and a slight disruption in the functioning of the liver can lead to grave diseases.

Fatty liver, Cirrhosis, Hepatitis A, B, and C, Jaundice, Liver Cancer, Gallstone, Hepatoxiticity, Viral Hepatitis, etc. are the common liver diseases that can affect individuals who aren’t on guard against such diseases.

One can sense the impending disaster when the symptoms of liver diseases start surfacing. If you read into the signs appropriately, there are chances of a faster recovery. The common symptoms that indicate an underlying liver disease are as follows-

  • Swollen abdomen– One of the signs that a person suffers from liver diseases is a swollen abdomen. This swollen abdomen indicates an accumulation of bilirubin, proteins, and fluid in the body. Also, such fluid retention can also cause swelling in the ankles as well. Diuretics are often used to combat this situation, but in severe cases, a needle is used to drain the fluid from the abdomen.
  • Jaundice- One of the most visible signs of a liver disease is the discoloration of the skin, eyes, and nails. It starts turning yellow, due to the accumulation of bilirubin produced in the liver. Excess of bilirubin in the liver is responsible for the discoloration. This condition is called jaundice and can signify a more severe liver disease on its way.
  • Change in the color of urine– When the color of the urine changes, it indicates the presence of a liver disease. When there is a disruption in the functioning of the liver, there’s an increase in the level of bilirubin, and it exits the body through urine. Dark colored urine indicates the presence of high bilirubin in the liver, which is dangerous.
  • Irritated skin- Itchy and flaky skin is another sign of a liver disease. A faulty liver can also lead to swelling and redness of the skin and result in the change of the color of the skin. In severe cases of liver diseases, the veins become more visible through the skin and can be the source of constant irritation.
  • Nausea- Since liver helps the process of digestion, any change in the functioning of the same can wreak havoc in the digestive process. Acid reflux, indigestion, nausea become quite frequent as the liver disease becomes more severe.